THX 1138

That's not what l meant.
... the inadequacies of the human personality are rapidly being overcome by the social processes of
advancing technology. Component lowness, a sophisticated stimulation is the answer. The humanity of
authority is proudly contemporary. Control through companionship, combined with economic advantages
of the mating structure far surpasses any disadvantages in increased perversions. A final...
... an infinite translate in mathematics of tolerance and charity among artificial memory devices is ultimately binary. Stimulating...
LUH? Is that you?
sealed personal effects:3 styrenes; an occupational syntax; a red magna base - old style; a box of neons; a variation; 23 hunter portapods.
It's you, come in, come in... you know, this is really odd. I was just thinking about you. What in the world are you doing here?
For the moment, l thought you were one of the others. You look much... different - in person.
Sit down, why don't you?...
Anyway... I must apologize for all this chaos. They materialized this morning and it's been going on all day. Well, it's cross l have to bear - the roommate was destroyed, you know.
No... I guess you wouldn't. Terrible inconvenience. I could never understand why it all must be created and filed if it's going to be destroyed anyway. When l pass on, l certainly don't want anyone going through my things... It's a strange life.
I really cannot understand why you don't sit down.
You never answered my question.
Well, at least you're sitting down... You must excuse my going on like that... with ONA gone l feel as if l have no one to talk to. You're perspiring, aren't you? My goodness, it's not very hot in here. Are you sick?
I'm sure it's warmer in her than outside, though. I haven't been out yet, but it usually is... the control is fouled...
Where is LUH?
Count concluded.
You must keep this.
