THX 1138

Current brain wave confirmation on 1138. Adrenal off point 74 or minus 6. No doubt of severe sedation depletion... Inform Magnum supervisor 9410 of procedure to mindlock and arrest.
Request MlNDLOCK for operating cell 94107; subject 1138 prefix THX.
Magnum Manipulator 1138 prefix THX, operating cell 94107, suffering severe drug violation. Extent pending. 1138 subject to immediate arrest. MlNDLOCK pending. MlNDLOCK pending.
Priority shift, repeat, priority shift. The situation here is critical. 1138 involvedin critical mass maneuver. DELAY MlNDLOCK, DELAY MlNDLOCK, situation white, repeat, situation white. HOLD... HOLD...
Who permitted this priority??? This shouldn't happen.
Immediate transfer of disaster responsibility to control officer 626, as of time mark: 12/32/581. Repeat; Official obligation of responsibility... ?
Clear... Clear... 4444,4445, 4446... EJECT... EJECT... EJECT...
Near destruct... Near destruct.
... MlNDLOCK! release MlNDLOCK! Relapse to command monitor. Release MlNDLOCK. Transfer obligation for responsibility to central monitor 898. This center received no evaluation of stasis. Control center 626 holds no responsibility...
Everything is going to be all right. You are in my hands. I will protect you. Everything is going to be all right. Cooperate, stay calm, l am here to help you.
Everything is going to be... .
Relax your controls. Relax your controls. Report to Con 5 immediately. Relax your controls...
Seal break. VAC debris receptacle 444. Entrance on con 65. Investigation in process.
Maintained visual contact with THX 1138 until 5.34. Lost contact at express tube 929. Surmised destroyed.
I'm in the kitchen, come and see!
THX, Please...
... answer.
No... no... LUH, help me... help...
OMM forgive us for our sins. Save us. We are one, mass is one, OMM is one. OMM Help us...
I am here to help you. Relax. You have nothing to fear. I am here.
No... here... hold this down.
Maintained visual contact with THX 1138 until 5.34. Lost contact at express tube 929. Surmised destroyed.
I'm in the kitchen, come and see!
THX, Please...
