The Great White Hope

Can't send them people
right back home again.

- Your only worry is picking the round?
- That takes some thinkin'.

You see, if I lets it go on too long
and I'm just keeping him off...

they'll say, "Ain't that one shiftless nigger?
Why are they all so lazy?"

But if I chop them down too quick,
the third or fourth round...

Get to him all at once, they'll holler...
"No, it ain't fair.
The poor man fighting a gorilla. "

But I'm gonna
work it out.

What about that yellow streak
Brady talks about?

Hey, yeah.
You want to see it?

Stop fooling around!
Any idea, Jack,
why you smile when you're fightin'?

I'm a happy sort of person
and always feels good.

When I'm fighting,
I feels double good...

so why do I wanna
put a face on for?

Anyway, it's a sport, right?
Like a game.

Well, I likes whoever I'm hitting
to see that I'm still his friend.

- Going back to Chicago after the fight?
- I wanna see my mama.

- And fried chicken, Jack.
- Okay, wait!

- One more question.
- Yeah. Go ahead.

You're the first black man in the history
of the ring who's ever had a crack...

at the heavyweight title.
White folks, of course, are behind Brady.
He's the redeemer of the race.

But you, JackJefferson,
are you the black hope?

- I'm black, and I'm hopin'.
- Answer straight, Jack.

I ain't fighting for no race.
I ain't redeeming nobody.

My mama told me Mr. Lincoln done that.
Ain't that why you shot him?

My, oh, my.
The big black rooster
and the little red hen.

I got you, you mother.
- What you want here?
- I show you what I want!

- Hey.!
- Jack.! Jack.!

You crazy?
You bitch.! Goddamn it.!

Just a family quarrel. A family quarrel.
You leave my man be, girl. You don't,
I'm gonna throw you at him in chunks.

- You got it all wrong, Clara.
- I got it from the chambermaid
at the Park Royal Hotel.

I come all the way
from Chicago to got it.

Now that you "got" it,
you get your black ass out of here.

- Jack!
- Let the gentlemen see how
you're 'smirchin' your wife.

- She ain't no wife of mine.
- We's common law, and I's comin' home to Papa.

I's common nothin'.
