The Great White Hope

Brady! Brady!
- 204.
- 204.

Hey, Frank.
Do you believe that?

This man here said
that I'm lighter than you.

- Just your statement, please.
- Huh? Oh, sure.

I wants to thank Mr. Brady here
for being such a sport...

and giving me a shot
at the belt today.

- There's been a whole lots
of mean talk around...
- Shut up, nigger.!

Get your skinny...
But here we is.
Here's me and here's Frank, and I glad
it come down to a plain old scuffle.

Let's get in there.
Hey there, home folks!
- How are you all today?
- Come here to pray for you, Mr. Jefferson.

Oh. You couldn't get
no tickets, huh?

- Best they don't go in there.
- Oh, that don't matter.

- Just so long as the good Lord
lets you win for us.
- Amen.
