The Great White Hope

and you, and you, and you.!
Even the nose you got...
the lips you got...
the hair you got...
and the skin you... got.
lively times.
SinceJefferson opened this café, we've
made no fewer than seven arrests there.

- He wasn't arrested.
- Madam, we have no ground.

But you're the district attorney!
What about the Bachman girl?

She's over the age of consent.
But this connection
between them is an outrage.!

It's a threat to every
decent home in America.

Forgive me, Doctor,
but I must speak my mind.

We can't pretend
that race is not the issue here...

and I'm with you because
this man Jefferson does harm to his race.

He confirms certain views of us
that you may already hold.

That does us harm.
But he also confirms
in many people of color...

the belief that his life
is the desirable life...

and that can do us
even greater harm.

- Absolutely.
- That's right.

Well, I'm grateful to you all
for your concern.

You shouldn't
have come.

A girl can't say no to a district attorney.
He was very polite.

So you say "no" polite.
You think your family's in on this or what?

No. They're just trying
to forget me now.

Well, this is looking for trouble.
I can't make any more
than I have already, can I?
