The Hawaiians

But they won't teach me here.
I'd have to go to America.

You go to America.
But having to send money to mother
in China, we could never afford it.

So, we'll make more money.
Restaurant too little,
make it bigger.

Garden too little,
make it bigger.

But, we haven't any more land.
We get more land.
I'm sorry, it's impossible.
Impossible come back
from Molokai.

Micah, what do you think
of our new Queen?

She's a proud, strong woman.
Some think she's got herself confused
with the Queen of England.

Can you handle her? Or should we push
someone else for Secretary of State?

I doubt you'll succeed. She knows
I've served three monarchs loyally.

My loyalty is to my pocketbook.
I hope you can protect it.

Maybe this monarchy is becoming
a luxury the islands can't afford.

Can I give you a lift?
No, thank you.
I prefer to walk.

To the Kee farm.
I don't care if you buy it.
I'll even lend you the money.

The Queen won't stand for it.
It belongs to a Hawaiian family.
She won't let them sell their land.

To white man?
