The McKenzie Break

Send your handcuffs
back to London, Major Perry.

Captain Schleutter, I'm entitled
by the Geneva Convention...

to punish you and your men
for this incredible behavior!

You'll be confined to your huts
on restricted diet for 48 hours!

All privileges
and electric power...

will be curtailed
for that period.

And at the end of that period...
you will fall in for roll call
in proper order.

As indeed you are now.
Send your handcuffs back to London
and stay out of our camp until you do.

Did you have relations
with an enlisted personnel...

Captain Connor?
I did, sir.
She was willing.
Did you strike an officer
of His Majesty's Navy?

Not at all.
I said something or other.

He gave me a sort of push.
It wasn't anything.

The police report called it
"aggravated assault."

Did it?
Your past record
indicates that you were...

drunk with four enlisted men...
and absent without leave...
six times.
Even though you are currently
awaiting orders for your next posting...

that is not a license
to ignore military regulations...

and bring disgrace
to the uniform.

Yes, sir.
It is within the authority
of this review board...

to reduce you in rank
to the lowest commissioned rating.

However, we have been requested
to hold our decision in abeyance...

by His Majesty's lntelligence.
- General Kerr wishes to question you.
- Ben Kerr?

So it's a balls-up again, eh, Jack?
The army must be in a bad way
for generals, makin' you one.

- You've got that bit right at least.
- What's an editor do in the army?
