The McKenzie Break

Germany must have them now.
I understand, but my men
want some explanation.

You're a Luftwaffe Commandant.
Do you explain orders?

I want some explanation about the
way you treated Neuchl.

That flying fairy, Hauptman,
he's a bad German.

Yes, I've spent a very decent
holiday or two in lreland.

What made you decide to suspend
the outside privileges for the Germans?

I felt that my predecessor had taken
too many liberties with regulations.

As a matter of fact,
Von Westhofen agreed with me--

the German senior officer in the camp
until his death last April.

Nice old boy,
General Von Westhofen.

A great feeling for books.
Complete opposite of the young devil now
in command. You've heard of Schleutter?

Yes. What did the
nice old boy die of?

- A natural death?
- Heart attack.

Captain Connor's
been sent up from London.

He's to assist me
in analyzing the problems here.

When are you goin' to lift
your 48-hour siege, sir?

Tomorrow morning at reveille.
- Let's have a look inside then.
- I think not, Captain.

It would weaken the effect
of the punishment.

I should have a look around.
Captain, 12 men were seriously
injured in there yesterday.
