The Owl and the Pussycat

I have only done that a couple of times
and then it was...

...with perfectly respectable people.
Under emergency conditions.

It's probably something
you wouldn't understand.

What is?
I may be a prostitute,
but I am not promiscuous.

You're absolutely right.
It's a subtle distinction.

I take it all back.
You're a fine example of Capitalism
at its most efficient.

You merely take natural resources...
...add the cost of labor,
and sell the product for a reasonable profit.

I didn't follow that,
but I get the feeling it was an insult.

Nope. It was just a statement
of the way things are.

Are you planning to sleep in that position?
It's a habit I got from watching TV at night.
You had two things to say to me.
I did?
Oh, yeah.
I just happen to know
what the name Doris means.

Because I looked it up.
I guess you don't know everything.
