
- Doesn't she go to church?
- What kind of fun is that?

You should let me take her for walks
in the sun sometimes

An honest woman breaks her leg at home!
You disagree?
You're always wearing the same clothes;
haven't you any others?

This can't go on; you look a fright
From tomorrow you'll end your mourning.
I'll see you have new clothes

This mourning is a primitive custom,
like painting one's body

Some of this stuff isn't worth
anything nowadays...

...but there are some fine pieces,
although they're difficult to sell

- How much?
- 2,000 pesetas

You say it's genuine; no signature,
but it seems to be well authenticated

I'd only offer 3,000 pesetas to anyone
else, but...

I don't accept favours. Give me 5,000

But the sum I had in mind...
Don't try to make your sum fit
the merchandise. My price is 5,000

Allow me a few moments to make
an inventory

You could have got much more;
it's criminal to sell at that price

I detest haggling
Don't be like that, sir
