Zabriskie Point

I phoned her home, she didn't answer,
maybe she's ill. - Doesn't matter.
Goodbye. - What?
Hallo? Here is Lee's Associate
Do you know where I can find Daria?
No. She left in the morning.
- Left? On which flight?

No flight. She took my car
Do you mind telling me who I am talking with?
Yes, I mind. How are you?
In the next 10 years there'll be
three million people more

Also more are expected. - Yes, I read it.
Are this figures valid for the whole country?
No, just for South California.
Do you understand what it means? - What?
It means an expansion
of at least 200.000 hectars.

So our position on the market
requires a global expense

of 5000 billions in three years
Well, I think we can afford it,
can't we? - Yes, of course

Federal and public fees, the cost of living,
inflation are not even included...
