A Clockwork Orange

Hi, hi, hi, Mr. DeItoid.
Funny surprise, seeing you here.
Awake at Iast, yes?

I met your mother
on the way to work, yes?

She gave me the key.
She said something about
a pain somewhere.

Hence, not at schooI, yes?
A rather intoIerabIe pain
in the head, brother sir.

It shouId be cIear
by this afterIunch.

Or certainIy by this evening, yes.
The evening's the great time,
isn't it, AIex-boy?

-Cup of the oId chai, sir?
-No time, no time.

Sit, sit, sit!
To what do I owe
this extreme pIeasure, sir?

Anything wrong, sir?
Wrong? Why shouId you
think of anything being wrong?

Have you been doing
something you shouIdn't?

Just a manner of speech.
Yes, weII, it's just a manner
of speech from your. . .

. . .post-corrective advisor to you
that you watch out, IittIe AIex.

Because next time it's not
going to be the corrective schooI.

Next time it'II be the BarIey pIace,
and aII my work ruined.

If you've no respect
for yourseIf. . .

. . .you at Ieast might have some
for me, who sweated over you.

A big, bIack mark, I teII you,
for every one we don't recIaim.

A confession of faiIure
for every one of you. . .

. . .who ends up in the stripy hoIe.
I've been doing nothing I shouIdn't.
The miIIicents have nothing
on me, brother.

Sir, I mean.
Cut out this cIever taIk
about miIIicents.

Just because the poIice
haven't picked you up. . .
