A Clockwork Orange

You got a good home here.
Good, Ioving parents.

You've got not too bad of a brain.
Is it some deviI
that crawIs inside of you?

Nobody's got anything on me.
I been out of the miIIicents'
rookers for a Iong time.

That's just what worries me.
A bit too Iong to be safe.

You're about due, by my reckoning.
That's why I'm warning you. . .
. . .to keep your handsome
young proboscis out of the dirt.

Do I make myseIf cIear?
As an unmuddied Iake, sir.
As cIear as an azure sky
of deepest summer.

You can reIy on me, sir.
Excuse me, brother.
I ordered this two weeks ago.
Can you see if it's arrived?

Just a minute.
