A Clockwork Orange

That is for your Iady victim.
You ghastIy. . .
. . .wretched scoundreI.
Get him off me!
You rotten IittIe bastard!
Good evening, Mr. DeItoid.
Good evening, Sergeant.
They're in room B, sir.
Thank you very much.
Good evening.
Good evening, Inspector.
-WouId you Iike your tea now, sir?
-No, thank you, Sergeant.

May I have some
paper toweIs, pIease?

We're interrogating
the prisoner now.

-Perhaps you'd care to come inside.
-Thank you very much.

Good evening, Sergeant.
Good evening, aII.

Oh, dear! This boy
does Iook a mess, doesn't he?

Just Iook at the state of him.
Love's young nightmare-Iike.
VioIence makes vioIence.
He resisted his IawfuI arrestors.
This is the end of the Iine for me.
The end of the Iine, yes.
And what of me, brother sir?
Speak up for me.
I'm not so bad.

I was Ied on by
the treachery of others.

Sings the roof off IoveIy,
he does, sir.

Where are my treacherous droogs?
Get them before they get away!

It was aII their idea, brothers.
They forced me to do it.
I'm innocent!

You are now a murderer,
IittIe AIex.

A murderer.
Not true, sir.
It was onIy a sIight toIchok.
She were breathing, I swear it.
I've just come from the hospitaI.
Your victim has died.
You try to frighten me.
Admit so, sir.

This is some new form of torture.
-Say it, brother sir.
-It'II be your own torture.

I hope to God
it'II torture you to madness.
