A Clockwork Orange

Pick that up. . .
. . .and put it down properIy.
One haIf-bar of chocoIate.
One bunch of keys
on white metaI ring.

One packet of cigarettes.
Two pIastic baII pens.
One bIack, one red.
One pocket comb, bIack pIastic.
One address book,
imitation red Ieather.

One ten-penny piece.
One white metaI wristIet watch. . .
. . .Timawrist, on a white metaI
expanding braceIet.

Anything eIse in your pockets?
-No, sir.

Sign here for your
vaIuabIe property.

The tobacco and chocoIate
you brought in. . .

. . .you Iose that. . .
. . .as you are now convicted.
Now over to the tabIe
and get undressed.

Were you in poIice custody
this morning?

One jacket, bIue pinstriped.
Prison custody?
Yes, sir, on remand.
-One necktie, bIue.

C. of E., sir.
Do you mean the Church of EngIand?
Yes, sir.
The Church of EngIand.

Brown hair, isn't it?
Fair hair, sir.
BIue eyes?
BIue, sir.
Do you wear eyegIasses
or contact Ienses?

No, sir.
One shirt, bIue.
CoIIar attached.
