A Clockwork Orange

Two warders taIk, as it might be.
And somebody can't heIp
overhearing what they say.

Then somebody picks up a scrap
of newspaper in the workshops. . .

. . .and the newspaper
teIIs aII about it.

How about putting me in
for this new treatment?

I take it you are referring. . .
. . .to the Ludovico technique.
I don't know what it's caIIed.
I just know it
gets you out quickIy. . .

. . .and makes sure you
never get back in again.

That is not proven, 655321 .
In fact, it is onIy in the
experimentaI stage at this moment.

It has been used, hasn't it?
It has not been used
in this prison yet.

The governor has grave
doubts about it.

And I've heard there are
very serious dangers invoIved.

I don't care about the dangers.
I just want to be good.
I want for the rest
of my Iife to be. . .

. . .one act of goodness.
The question is. . .
. . .whether or not this technique
reaIIy makes a man good.

Goodness comes from within.
Goodness. . .
. . .is chosen.
When a man cannot choose. . .
. . .he ceases to be a man.
I don't understand about
the whys and wherefores, Father.

I onIy know I want to be good.
Be patient, my son.
Put your trust in the Lord.
Instruct Thy Son
and He shaII refresh thee. . .

. . .and shaII give deIight
to thy souI.

