And Now for Something Completely Different

Meanwhile, not far away...
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Putey were
about to enter an unfamiliar office.

Oh. Are you the marriage
guidance counselor?

- Yes. Good morning.
- Morning.

And... good morning
to you, madam.

- Name?
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Putey.

And what is the name of your...
ravishing wife?

Wait. Don't tell me.
lt's... lt's something
to do with moonlight.

Goes with her eyes.
lt's soft and gentle...
warm and yielding.
Deeply lyrical, and yet...
tender and frightened,
like a tiny, white rabbit.

It's Dierdre.
What a beautiful name.
What a beautiful...
beautiful name.
And what seems to be the trouble
with your marriage, Mr. Putey?

lt started when we went
to Brighton on holiday together.

Dierdre - that's my wife - and l,
we've always been cIose companions...

and l never particuIarly
anticipated any marital strife.

The very idea of consulting
a professional marital advisor...

has always been of
the greatest repugnance to me.

Although, far be it from me
to impugn the nature of your trade or...
