And Now for Something Completely Different

l left him outside for a few moments
while l got some Brillo Pads.

When l came back, he was gone.
He was only 48!

And also vicious gangs
of "Keep Left" signs.

Right! Stop that!
lt's silly.
Very silly, indeed.

lt started off as a nice little idea
about old ladies attacking young men ...

but now it's just got silly.
His hair's too long
for a vicar too.

And you can tell those are not proper
"Keep Left" signs. Clear off, everyone!

You, come with me.
Right. Now Iet's see something decent
and military: some precision drilling.

Squad! Camp it up!
Ooh, get her! Whoops!
l've got your number, but you
couldn't afford me, dear, two, three.

l'll scratch your eyes out.
Don't come the bigger
dear bitch with us. dear.

We all know where you've been,
you military fairy, two, three.

One, two, three, four,
five, six.

Don't look now, girls.

The maid is just mince
in that jolIy color, Sergeant.

Two, three. Ooh !
Right! Stop that. Silly.
And a bit suspect, l think.
Time for a cartoon.

Once upon a time...
there was an enchanted prince...
who ruled the land
beyond the Wobbles.

One day he discovered
a spot on his face.

Foolishly, he ignored it.
And three years later,
he died of cancer.

The spot, however, flourished...
and soon set out
to seek its fortune.
