
Now the moment we've been waiting for
is here. Everyone is getting quiet.

The president will leave his office
and walk down the steps of the palace.

For that, we're going down on the
playing area. Take it away, Howard.

This is tremendous, Don, just tremendous.
The atmosphere heavy,
uncertain, overtones of ugliness.

A reminder, in a way, of how it was
in March of 1964 at Miami Beach

when Clay met Liston for the first time
and nobody was certain
how it would turn out.

The crowd is tense.
They've been here since ten this morning.

And... And I think I see...
the door beginning to open.

EI presidente may be coming out.
The door opens. It's he.
It's EI presidente.
He turns!
And down!
It's over. It's all over for EI presidente!
This reporter is going to get to him,
if he can, through this mob

for one last word before he expires.
As you can see,
this crowd is not to be trifled with.

They're in a frenzy. They're trying
to get over to EI presidente

even as I am trying to do now.
Would you people let me through?
This is American television.

American television.
Please let me through.

We're getting through now.
Here we are. Here we are. Sir.
Sir, you've been shot.
When did you know it was all over?

Fascist... dictator.
You're upset. That's understandable
under the circumstances.

I guess now you'll have to announce
your retirement.
