
I make sure products
are safe and practical.

Today I tested an exercise machine
and an electrically warmed
toilet seat for cold days.

Would you like some coffee?
If you're hungry, I could open
a can of ribs if you want.

Ribs? I'd love some coffee,
but I have a lot of work to do.

Here, I'll make you some. It'll take
two seconds to make some coffee.

How can I find out more about your
cause? I have a lot of spare time.

Would you like to volunteer
for the Volunteers for San Marcos?

Is it possible to discuss that
over dinner tomorrow night?

Doesn't have to be tomorrow night.
I'm open for the next six years.

I have a yoga class tomorrow night
and I couldn't miss that.

Yoga. I love yoga.
Do you really? Yoga -
it's one of my great passions.

I love Eastern philosophies.
It's... metaphysical and redundant.
- Yes.
- Abortively pedantic.

- I know just what you mean.
- Thank you.

Have you ever read the I Ching?
Not the actual Ching itself,
but I've dabbled in Kierkegaard.

- Oh, well, of course he's Danish.
- Yes.

He'd be the first to admit that.
Yeah... Yeah.
You know, I was just saying to...
Have you ever been to Denmark?

I've been to... Yes, to the Vatican.
The Vatican? The Vatican's in Rome.
Well, they were doing so well in Rome
that they opened one in Denmark.

I was just saying to someone the
other day that the Scandinavians

seem to have such an instinctive
feel for the human condition.

That's very wise.
You know, that's... I think, pithy.

It was... pithy.
It had... great pith.
Yeth. Pith.
Lithen, I have to... Listen, I have
to go. I have a lot of work to do.
