
- Am I not smart enough?
- No.

- Because I'm not...
- No.

It has nothing to do with height?
It has nothing to do
with the fact you're short

or the fact that you're not bright enough.
Nothing to do with the fact
that your teeth are in bad shape.

So what, then? I don't understand.
Has it got to do with...

It's not my personality.
Do you have fun when you're with me?

No... But it's not that.
It's not that I don't have fun with you...
We have fun when we laugh.
Don't tell me that we haven't laughed.

- It's not that we haven't laughed.
- Certainly I laugh a lot.

- Sometimes you don't laugh and...
- I can't put my finger on it.

- Something's missing.
- What? Can you be specific?

The relationship isn't going anywhere.
- Where do you want to it go?
- Where could we get it to go?

That's not... I don't know where.
I love you.

I mean, I love you and you love me.
No. And it's not because I don't love you.
- Then you love me?
- No, I don't.

- That's what I mean...
- But that's not why.

Something is missing.
I need a very strong man.

- I'm strong.
- I need a leader.

I have all the qualities of leadership.
I'm interested
in so many vital political things.

- Me, too. That binds us together.
- I wanna work with pygmies in Africa.

I wanna work with lepers
on a leper colony.

No, that's perfectly OK.
I love leprosy. If that's what you're
asking me. I'm perfectly willing...

I like leprosy. I like cholera.
I like all the major skin diseases.

- You're immature, Fielding.
- How am I immature?

Emotionally, sexually and intellectually.
- Yeah, but what other ways?
- Maybe it's my fault.

- Maybe I just can't give.
- Why don't you receive? I'll give.

- I'm not ready to receive.
- Then you give and I'll receive.

I can't receive...
I'm a person who can only receive
if another is giving.

- I can't give. I'm sorry.
- If we each receive, it might work.

I can't. My trouble is I'm receiving
and I'm not able to give or receive.

- I would give if you could receive.
- I don't know how I can help you.
