Carnal Knowledge

Pronounce this:

Chop house.
- This has to stop.
- I don't know how to tell him.

- You tell him a lot of other things.
- What does that mean?

You never talk to me
the way you talk to him.

- What way?
- I don't know.

- I don't want to hurt him.
- You're hurting me.

- He loves me.
- That's no reason to sleep with him.

You would have just gone on
if he hadn't told me, wouldn't you?

- I would never have known.
- I don't know. Maybe.

- You're really something.
- I don't feel like something.

I feel like nothing.
How much longer
do you expect me to take this?

- I'm trying to tell him.
- I see how you're trying.

It's not my fault.
You're supposed to be in love
with me. I'm gonna tell him.

What? No, Jonathan!
- Try understanding me for once.
- You're stronger.

- You tell him everything else.
- Who says so?

He tells me, he's my best friend.
Are you going to tell him?
