Carnal Knowledge

Who needs it?
- Fucking can't be your life's work.
- Don't tell me what I can't do.

You're so well-off?
Susan's a very good homemaker.
Very efficient.

I come home, everything is
in its place. I like that.

It's tiring, a full day at the office,
then the hospital for a few hours.

So it's nice when everything's in
its place. Martini, dinner, the kids.

We don't watch much TV.
We read aloud to each other.

We used to have more friends.
On weekends we might entertain
a little, or go to see a friend.

Come into town,
see a play or a good film.

It's not glamorous or anything.
There are other things than glamor.
- You have a long lifeline.
- I like that.

The way you run your nail
across my...

- You're difficult to get along with.
- Me? Bobbie...

- You always know your own mind.
- Right this minute, anyway.
