Columbo: Murder by the Book

Has he been found yet? Why?
Did somebody tell you he was gone?

I just spent several hours
driving up here from San Diego.

This story is on every news station.
Right. Yeah.
Gee, I should have thought of that.

- Well, has he been found?
- Gee, I'm afraid not.

- Were you visiting friends in San Diego?
- He has a place there, a cabin.

Oh, away for the weekend. Gee, that's nice.
Could we get back to my question?
Have you come up with any leads, clues?

- It's a little early for that.
- Early?

Seems to me your men are
standing around just marking time.

- Could I have a drink, love?
- I could use one myself.

I'll tell you something, Lieutenant.
See, if Mrs Melville were on this case,

she'd be leaps and bounds ahead of you.
- Is that the lady in the books?
- That's right.

You see, she would have figured out
that this is not just someone missing.

This is a professional killing.
Aha. Here it is.
- Take a look at that.
- Put it on the desk.

Just drop it. Cos of the fingerprints.
Jim's fingerprints are all over that.
So are mine.

- What is it?
- What's it look like?

It's a list of names. Look at that.
Mustel, Delgado, Hathaway, Westlake.

Sound familiar?
- Yeah, kind of.
- Well, they should.

That's some of the top men
in organised crime on the West Coast.

- LA, Vegas, Frisco...
- I don't understand.

Well, it's painfully obvious.
One of these men had Jim killed.

Really? Why?
Tell me something.
How long have you been a lieutenant?

Mrs Melville would have
put that together like that.

Look, I'm willing to take
all the help I can get.

Let me see if I can explain it to you.
