Escape from the Planet of the Apes

Maybe the female knows.
Of course ''the female'' knows.
We came from your future.
That doesn't make any sense.
lt's the only thing that does.
- Mr Chairman.
- Yes.

Cornelius. You spoke ofwar.
- War between whom?
- The gorillas and whoever lives...

Lived. Will live.
- Who won the war?
- l don't know.

The chimpanzees are pacifists.
We stayed at home.

- But you left before the war had ended.
- ln a spaceship.

- Which Dr Milo learned to navigate.
- Correct.

Cornelius, did you know a Colonel Taylor?
No. ls he a soldier?
We are peaceful creatures.
We are happy to be here.
May we be unchained?

- Gentlemen, do you have anything to say?
- No comment.

No comment.
- Mr Chairman, a word.
- Here's one: preposterous.

- Can you define that?
- No, just let me say this

as head ofthis commission. We will
examine the facts ofthis bizarre affair

and pass our conclusions on to
the president for implementation.

What a load of huggermugger.
No comment.
- How will you advise the president?
- No comment.

Could you tell us how you
personally would handle it?

No, gentlemen. No comment.
- You were fabulous!
- Marvelous. All that applause, but...
