King Lear

Spare speech.
Decline your head;

this kiss,
if it durst speak,

would stretch
thy spirits
up into the air.

Yours in the ranks
of death.

My most dear

O, the difference
of man and man!

To thee a woman's
services are due.

A fool usurps my bed.
I have been worth
the whistle.

O Goneril.
You are not worth the dust
which the rude wind
blows in your face.

I fear your disposition.
No more;
the text is foolish.

What have you done?
Tigers, not daughters,
what have you perform'd?
Most barbarous
and degenerate,

you maddened a father
and a gracious aged man.
Humanity perforce
doth prey upon itself,

like monsters of the deep.
Milk-liver'd man!
Where's thy drum?

France spreads
his banners in our land,

whil'st thou, a moral fool,
sits still and cries,
"Alack, why does he so?"

See yourself, devil!
O vain fool!
Were I of a fitness
to let these hands
obey my blood,

they are apt enough
to dislocate and tear
thy flesh and bones.

Marry, your manhood...
