King Lear

With all my heart.
Now, fellow,
fare thee well.

O you mighty gods!
This worid I do renounce,
and in your sights,
shake patiently
my great affliction off.

If I could bear it further,
and not fall to quarrel with your
great opposeless wills,

my snuff and loathed
part of nature

should burn itself out.
If Edgar live, O, bless him!
Ho, you sir! Friend!
Hear you, sir!
What are you, sir?

Away, and let me die.
Hadst thou been
aught but gossamer,
feathers, air,

thou'dst shiver'd
like an egg;

but thou dost breathe,
bleed'st not,
speak'st, art sound.

Thy life's a miracle.
Speak yet again.

But have I fall'n,
or no?

From the dread
summit of this
chalky bourn.

Look up a-height;
the shrill-gorg'd lark
so far cannot
be seen or heard.

Do but look up.
Alack, I have no eyes.
