Krasnaya palatka

Dr. Malmgren...
there's a message, sir,
from Tromso Institute.

Tromso Institute reports
the high-pressure area...

is becoming unstable.
But they also say that the wind should hold
until we reach the Pole.

Dense cloud, 3,000 feet,
forming on horizon to starboard.

- 88 degrees, 10 minutes north, General.
- 44 miles to the pole.

There. It looks like
you're very lucky, General.

Put on your furs, gentlemen.
- Troiani, go down to 400 meters.
- Yes, sir.

- Captain Zappi.
- Yes, sir?

- Get the anchor lines ready.
- Yes, sir. Out mooring ropes.

Biagi, we're approaching the Pole.
All engines minimum speed.

Troiani, prepare the basket for lowering.
- All right.
- Ahoy in the keelson.

Stand by the anchor lines.
- Stop starboard engine.
- Get ready to lower the basket!

Landing will be difficult.
Wind is about 35 knots.
The anchor lines are ready, General.
The men are standing by.

- Hold at 450 feet.
- Very well, sir.

Dr. Malmgren, circle, minimum radius.
- Yes, sir.
- We're going down.

- That's what we came here for.
- Are we close?

- Biagi.
- Sir?

When we've circled,
transmit that we're at the Pole.

May I tell the crew?
Boys, we made it!
Viva I'Italia!
Viva I'Italia!
