Land des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit

tell us about the animals?
That was a great joy for us.
First we went to the quadrupeds.
There was a hind, full size...
- the animals all
are full size...

to give the blind
an idea of them.

The hind's skin was wonderful.
There was a stag's head...
with really big antlers.
Its mouth was open.
I was amazed by its size.
There also were hares...
sitting, or in jumping position.
Some were afraid of the mice.
The second room contained birds.
A woodpecker on a tree...
very interesting...
and another, a green one.
I was delighted.
And a pheasant
with its feathers.

What a pity
you can't see the colours!

Can Miss Julie tell us
about the animals?

They ask...
