Land des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit

They told me to go home...
because I couldn't see enough.
I didn't care
about embroidering any more.

That was the beginning
of the end.

First I went blind.
I was 15 years and 9 months.
Then I had to stay in bed.
My eyes hurt very much.
At 18 I began to have
ear troubles.

At first I didn't understand
those sounds...

and one day
I was completely deaf.

Mother talked to me
and I didn't hear her.

She came to my bed and asked:
Why don't you answer me?

I said: Did you say something?
Yes, but you don't answer.
I said I hadn't heard anything.
We were very frightened.
My deafness was very strange.
First it was the right ear...
and then the left one.
I wanted to see a doctor...
I took foot-baths, I prayed...
but it wasn't any use.
Gradually I lost my hearing...
up to a rest of 5%.
I fled to religion.
It gave me strength...
