Little Murders

Up every morning with enough
of the failing strength...

that finally deserted her last year
at Miami Beach at the age of 91...

to face another day
of hopelessness and despair.

3134 Biscayne Boulevard.
And you tell me you don't want him
in the ceremony!

Look at these hands.
The hands of a judge?

The hands of a professional man?
Not on your sweet life.
The hands of a worker!
I worked!
These hands toiled
from the time I was nine.

Strike that. Seven.
Every morning up at 5:00...

dressing in the pitch black to run down
seven flights of stairs, 13 steps a flight...

I'll never forget them... to run
five blocks to the Washington market...

unpacking crates
for 75 cents a week.

A dollar if I worked
on Sundays. Maybe.

Where was my God then?
Where, on those
bitter cold mornings...

with my hands so blue with frostbite
they looked like ladies' gloves...

was God?
Here. In my heart.
Where he was, has been
and will always be...

till the day they carry me feetfirst
out of this courtroom.

Knock wood.
God grants it soon.

My first murder trial...
Where you going? I'm not finished.

- You're not gonna marry us.
- I'm not finished.

Don't be a smart punk.
You're a know-it-all
wise-guy punk, aren't ya?

I've seen your kind.
You'll come up before me again!

[Big Band On Radio]
You were never married before?
