McCabe & Mrs. Miller

This is the last one for me. If you want
more, you can shove it up your ass.

She's bringing them girls from Seattle.
Real first-class, fancy women.

I can't imagine nobody paying
25 cents for a goddamn bath.

Two bits ain't too bad.
-Cheapest bath in Bearpaw is 35 cents.
-I wouldn't take one if it was free.

I don't know why you guys
are so against a bath.

I ain't. I just don't like being told when.
-It's that Miller woman. She's the one....
-Well, Mr. McCabe, how does she look?

Goddamn good.
McCabe, why don't you ask Mrs. Miller
when those new whores are coming?

-What's the matter with the ones we got?
-You just hold your water tower.

You think I'll let some chippy
tell me how to run a gooseberry ranch?

You got the goddamn saddle
on the wrong horse.

Those girls will come up here
when I goddamn tell them to.

I'm paying you boys 15 cents an hour,
after you've been in them mines all day...

so you'll have something to do besides
go home and play with Mary Five Fingers.

Right, Berg?
That's right, Mr. McCabe.
You heard what he said.
He's paying us 15 cents an hour,
after we've been working in the mines...

so we'll have something to do
besides play with Five-Fingered Mary.

Shut up, Jeremy.
Mrs. Miller.
I wish to have a word with you,
Mrs. Miller.
