McCabe & Mrs. Miller

Who's there?
It's me.
What do you want?
Open the door. Come on.
Don't think you can fool me with that
bay rum again, because it won't work.

You had a bath?
I've been in the goddamn water so long...
my ass is wrinkled up. Now open the door.
You make me sick sometimes.
Can't you even turn up
for that poor girl's birthday party?

I'll tell you, little lady.
A couple of gimpers came in the saloon
and offered to buy me out.

-My whole spread.
-Who would do a dull thing like that?

It's Harrison Shaughnessy,
something like that. Offered me $5,500.

Take your hat off the bed. It's bad luck.
$5,500. It ain't bad, is it, Mrs. Miller?
And I played it smart as a possum.
I gave them a "no,"
and went on my business.

Just turned them down flat as a pancake.
What's going to happen is
they'll be back with a better offer.

And I think your share is going to be....
-Let me see.

What did you say?
I should have known.
You turned down Harrison Shaughnessy.
You know who they are?

-Of course, I know who they are.
-You just better hope they come back.

They'd as soon put a bullet in you
as look at you.
