Play Misty for Me

Besides, Tobie's back.
Oh, really? Tobie? When?
- I ran into her Sunday.
- That was a goody.

I'll tell you the truth.
I've always thought Tobie was
one of the foxiest chicks on the peninsula.

And why you gotta have so much action,
I just don't understand it anyway.

It's just a hang-up I have, or had.
But now that I seem to have that
straightened out...

...I can't seem to solve this other problem.
Well, you know what they always say,
my man.

No, what?
"He who lives by the sword
shall die by the sword."

Don't let the door hit you in the ass
on the way out.

We'll have more smooth sounds
in just one minute...

...but first, at ten minutes to the hour,
we're broadcasting from KRML...

:34:57 the Carmel Rancho Shopping Center...
...home of the buccaneer,
the man's boutique.

KRML, Dave Garver speaking.
The whole point
in having an answering service...

:35:12 to call in once in a while
to check for messages.

Hi, Evelyn. What's happening?
What could be happening, darling?
You're not here yet.

I hope you like pastrami,
because there was no corned beef.

Now, wait a minute. Just hold on.
Are you trying to tell me
you forgot that we have a date tonight?

I thought I was supposed
to call you on that.

I feel kind of silly sitting here
in my brand-new lounging pajamas.

I just assumed...
Apparently, I assumed wrong.
That's right. You assumed wrong.
You don't have to come over
if you've got something better to do.

I'll be over in a little while.
You and I are gonna have to have a talk.

Whatever you say.
In the meantime,
haven't you forgotten something else?
