Play Misty for Me

Here's your key, and here's your copy.
That'll be $0.40, please.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
David? I stopped by my...
Don't you look all gussied up?
Good. I was gonna cook brunch
but this calls for something more festive.

How about the Marquis? My treat.
- After all I put you through, it's the least...
- I have a lunch date. Business.

- Business?
- Yeah. Can I have my car keys?

I think you ought to take it easy, anyway.
Get some rest.

Yeah, I do feel a little tired.
Very funny, Dave.
Now, let's talk show.
Tell me, what do you think of the concept?

The unstructured...
...the loosey-goosey, Monterey pop,
Woodstock kind of thing?

I like it very much,
and I think I can handle it.

So do I.
I'll keep this
to promote your new career with.

You'll be working with kids,
bright and marvelous.

But they take handling.
