
Maybe he didn't like the handshake
you taught him.

You know you can get your rump
in a sling for this mess?

- Static, a lot of hassle.
- You'll save me, Vic.

Well, I can try.
One hand washes the other.
All the hassle in the world wouldn't
make me sing a song to the police.

No way, baby.
That cat you threw out the window
was a flunky for Bumpy Jonas.

I didn't throw no cat
out no window, Lieutenant.

Bumpy isn't gonna like it.
I don't care what he likes!
What the hell are you pumping me for?

Two weeks ago
we started picking up rumbles.

- You already said that.
- We know it's not the Panthers.

Or the Young Lords.
But, something's on the boil.

I want to know what it is...
...before we need an adding machine
to count the bodies.

Bumpy wants you for something.
He knows what's going on.
And that's what I want to know.

Not who, just what.
It warms my black heart to see you
so concerned about us minority folks.

Come on, Shaft.
What is it with this black shit?

You ain't so black.
And you ain't so white, baby.
All right.
You want to play
your super heavy black number.

I'm gonna play mine.
We can nail your tail for manslaughter
with what we've got on you right now!

You can waltz Leibowitz, but you
know the law. You could be charged.

Charged, Lieutenant.
Yeah, but your license'll be suspended.
You'll be out of business for six months.
You want to be out of business
for six months?

Out on the street.
No gun permit. Six months!
