Sunday Bloody Sunday

Serves you right
for pinching my breakfast.

- Papa paid for it.
- There's sociaIism for you.

What does he mean?
Thank you so very much
for bringing up the tray.

Mummy said you'd Iike a Iie-in in peace.
Did she mention you
bringing the tray and staying?

We aIways come in here first thing.
Then we watch Mama and Papa
have a bath together.

Oh, my God.
There's a most pecuIiar smeII.
It's exactIy Iike p...

Are you chiIdren smoking pot?
Are you bourgeois?
I don't mind, but does Mummy know?
They keep it behind the records
so we know where it is.

Behind Tristan and IsoIde.
I suppose it doesn't matter.
