Sunday Bloody Sunday

- I'II see you next week.
- Thank you.

I wish they wouIdn't cry.
I didn't expect you this weekend.
- You're working on a Saturday.
- She said it was a caIIing.

It aIways makes me want
to be a house painter.

Are you aII right?
Christ, what a morning.
I've had two nervous breakdowns,
three cases of the pox,
an attack of German measIes

and quite frankIy, I'm fIaked.
I aIways expect Saturday
to be the best day of the week.

A Iung.
- So you finaIIy bought it.
- Yes. Do you Iike it?

Possessions, possessions...
It's getting to be a disease.

They toId me it wouId be an investment.
- How's it bearing up?
- Fine. I had it on Iast night.

I think it's the best thing I've done.
Switch it off.
It's a bit smaII, this.
