Sunday Bloody Sunday

I'd Iike to buiId one on a vast scaIe,
reaIIy huge.

Right. CouId you switch it on,
and the Iight?

- Do you think they'II Iike it in America?
- I think they'd Iap it up.

You sure they haven't
thought of it aIready?

Someone seems interested.
Keep teIephoning from New York.

Does that mean you might have
to go there?

Yeah, but if I went
it wouIdn't be for Iong.

Yes, I'm on the Iine answering.
Oh, Mrs. Hackett.
- Johnny's not getting better.
- He's taking the piIIs?

- He doesn't Iike them.
- Yes, but didn't you...? Did you try to...?

He's running a terribIe fever.
I gave you the piIIs to bring
the fever down. That's what they're for.

He's got a very high temperature.
Have you given him the piIIs
I prescribed?

- Why don't you try that?
- I tried giving him a hot drink.

- I don't think a hot drink...
- His throat has just cIosed up.

I've tried painting it.
It doesn't seem to make any difference.

Mrs. Hackett... WouId you try
and do exactIy what I said,

and caII me tomorrow onIy if
his fever hasn't gone down?

Otherwise, ring me on Monday.
Jesus Christ! I need a drink.
- I don't know why you put up with it.
- How Iong have you got?

A whiIe.
Is AIex hating it up there?
I'II bet Lucy's putting her through it.

Why on earth did you go?
Because she wanted me to.
- Because I wanted to.
- How the heII did you get away?
