The Anderson Tapes

You know what l'm going to do?
l'm going to back up a van and steal
the guts out of the whole place.

-You're always so serious.
-l have no sense of humour. None.

You want a $1500 advance to finance
research, lay the caper out, et cetera.

-Let me explain what l'm going to do.
-Don't interrupt.

Don't talk to me like that.
l don't give a goddamn who you are now.

lt's all right.
Angelo is just in a hurry.

He's got a lot on his mind.
l'm sorry, Duke. Nick's right.
l got a lot on my mind.

Nick's riaht, I aot a lot on my mind.
They call him Duke Anderson.
He was telling these guys--

We don't care about him.
Who's the other guy?

l told you Treasury Department
guys 100 times.

Hat, the kid. His f ather was the Hook.
But when he was knocked over in Vegas,
the old man, Papa Angelo, adopted him.

l got a lot on my mind.
How's everything with lmmigration?

Ask him.
With the appeals and everything,
Duke's got at least nine months.

Duke's aot at least nine months.
-That's D'Medico, the lawyer.
-That's right.

Duke's got at least nine months.
What do we get out
of these apartments?

A f urniture van f ull of stuff.
From Picasso paintings to stones--

Oh, Christ.
-What do you want?
-Cash. Bills, that's what you want.

-There's cash there.
-Maybe l clear 25, 000.

