The Anderson Tapes

lt's got a doctor's office.
Six flats, two to a floor.

l want schedules of services, hours
and names of maids, doormen. The works.

-Are you serious?

You don't want one or two flats,
you want the whole thing?

That's right.
Five hundred f or now.
Well, Duke, l haven't seen it,
and l just don't like to rush into it.

Five hundred f or now.
Give me the address
and l'll figure out how to get in.

Five hundred.
Two sugars, right? l remembered.
When l see the size and shape
of it, and how to handle it...

...l'll let you know
what the price is.

lt's five hundred.
Everything you say sounds
like five hundred. How was prison?

Hey, Tommy, the phones are all fix ed!
Oh, God, what do l know about that?
l hope you cleaned up after yourselves
like good little telephone men.

Meet anybody interesting
in your cell?

Did l scare you?
You? No.
l got a caper laid out.
You wanna come?

You're one of those criminals
that corrupts younger offenders.

l need you to bridge burglar
alarms, open doors...
