The Anderson Tapes

House lnternal Security Committee:
Surveillance AD271T-41 .

3:34 p.m. Unidentified male Caucasian.
Six-f oot-three, brown hair...
...late 30s, early 40s...
...entered the rooms above
the subject premises...

...occupied by Edward Spencer,
a nonpolitical.

Hey, hey.
-Who's that?

You don't know me, but I was
tiaht with Billy Maitland.

-Maitland is dead.
-l was there when they gave it to him.

l know you. l seen you
in the slam, five years ago.

l just got out.
-What did those bastards do to Billy?
-lt wasn't the screws.

A prison-yard scrap.
One of those things.
How's it going?

Don't sit down,
l'm on my way out right now.

-l got a job laid out.

l need a good driver.
Let's take it f or granted
you need me, or you wouldn't be here.

l'm in demand.
Fella here last week
figuring a Brink's truck.

He spent months f ollowing that truck,
getting to know the driver, the crew.

Hell, he even laid the driver's
wife's sister, setting the thing up.

He walks out of here after talking
to me, and what happens?

The Brink's driver gets drunk,
beats up his wife...
