The Anderson Tapes

-Hello, Duke.
-Hi. How are you, Pat?

Not so good.
We're on them, loud and clear.
lnternal Revenue Service surveillance,
Pat Angelo, 8-12-70.

Case 642DZ713.
Subject with unidentified male, white.

How does it look?
100 percent.
My bird dog, he knows his stuff.

He says paintings
will go half a million.

There's a safe f ull of cash
held f rom tax es.

There's diamonds and jewellery that
they loan to museums.

l can do it. l need some muscle,
some technical help. And $1700.

-You've been away nine years.

The country's changed.
They got a new breed of cop.

People have alarms, guns. Dogs. They
breed Dobermans to tear you apart.

Realtors advertise these places.
24-hour-a-day armed guards.

You gotta sign in and out.
Some places got moats.

-Papa Angelo owes it to me.
-He owes it.

He owes you 20 years
f or saving his kid?

l've laid it out. Labor Day weekend.
People are away, the streets are empty.

You have got it worked out
pretty good.

On the way back f rom the f uneral,
l'll stop at Papa's and check it out.
