The Anderson Tapes

What are we gonna do, Papa?
This Anderson claims a debt of honour.
lt's too complex, too many people.
We don't need it.

We're in linen supplies, restaurants,
wholesale meat, everything.

lt's stupid, this bang-bang stuff.
What am l talking it down f or?
Maybe he can make it.

Why am l looking at the dark side?
Why can't l once say a positive word?

l'm always knocking.
That's not happiness.
This caper is so ex citing.
Are you tired of living?
Would you like to die?
All right, so this Anderson caper
is gonna be a disaster.

How are you going to beat the police
on this thing?

lt won't hurt.
lt'll help maintain the image.
Let the businessmen and politicians
fear us, we're men who carry guns.

Will they argue a laundry contract?
Ref use a garbage-hauling contract?

l hope this thing f alls on page one,
and not page five.

Thank you, Papa.
