The Anderson Tapes

l wouldn't do that myself.
But if you think you should,
go right ahead.

ln f or a penny, in f or a pound.
-Shut up.

You made it. Don't fiaht it anymore.
What was it like?
I don't know. I was scared.
For God sakes, Werner, turn it off.
Leave her alone. You can get any girl.
-Werner, will you--?
-Shut up, you f our-bit hooker.

l'm Werner.
l pay f or her clothes,
this place, and f or her time.

Maybe l got the price wrong,
but l know what to call her.

As l don't pay f or it,
naturally l see things different.

Will you turn that off?
l never stop hearing it anyway.
-Fighting over a woman. lt's crazy.

-So we won't fight.

l know what you're doing.
l got it on tape.

lt's true.
So, what do l care about?
Miss Blue Eyes. But l don't rent by
the day or week. l expect ex clusivity.

What about her?
She's got the floor.
Say your piece, darling.
