The Andromeda Strain

Who picked Leavitt?
Talk about the Odd Man Hypothesis,
which we haven't yet.
She's really an oddball.
We're lucky to have her.
She's the best equipped of us
to double up for Kirke in microbiology.
When dressed,
the team will proceed

directly to conference room 7.
Keep this with you at all times.
What's it for?
You're the Odd Man.
The key man, quite literally.
This other key,
and Wildfire itself,
depend on your key.
Wildfire's equipped
with a nuclear device

for self-destruct.
In an emergency,
it's activated automatically.
I've just inserted the
key in the main station

that arms the mechanism.
The device is ready for detonation.
Never, we hope.
It only goes off if there's danger
of infection breaking out from here.
That silver key can't be removed.
You're the only one
who can disarm the mechanism
by inserting your red key
in one of the substations
located throughout the facility.
There's a five-minute delay
between the time detonation locks in
and the bomb explodes.
That gives
you a chance to think

and, please God, call it off.
Look, I'm the new boy here. Why me?
Because you're single.
You should have done
your homework, sport.

Page 255, Robbie's Odd Man Hypothesis.
"Results of testing confirm
the Robertson Odd Man Hypothesis:
That an unmarried male should
carry out command decisions

involving thermonuclear
destruct contexts. "
