The Andromeda Strain

but they're not finished.
So don't confuse them
with functioning ones.

At the bottom of the central core
is the apparatus for self-destruct.
Each level is a different color
based on a navy study
of the psychological effects
of color in environments.
Also, each level is biomedically cleaner
than the one above it.
We don't want anything
to contaminate a possible organism.
That would make it twice as hard
to isolate and characterize.
It'll take us 16 hours to descend
through the programmed
decontamination procedures

on the first four levels to level 5
where the main labs are.
Where, exactly, are we now?
There's one way you can
always locate yourself

or any of us instantly.
Simply by calling up projections
from the electronic diagram
on any video monitor
anywhere in Wildfire.

Views such as this.
This shows we're in
conference room 7, level 1.

Each of us is indicated by our initial.
Our movements are continuously monitored
on the electronic diagram.
Where are the patients?
Where's the capsule?
The patients are the yellow X's.
The red circle is the capsule.
On level 5, the patients
and capsule will be isolated

in biologically secure setups.
Are you sure the old man
and the baby are still alive?
What are their chances, Hall?
I'm hoping the intravenous dextrose
and saline will hold them
until we get to them.
We start decontamination and
immunization procedures now.
You really expect me to fire the thing?
I'm afraid you don't understand.
