The Andromeda Strain

All you can do is stop it.
In a biological emergency,
the bomb is activated automatically.
It'll then go off within five minutes
unless you get to a substation
and lock in your key.
Delta Five to all levels.
We are checking out ray-ban
emergency communications.

This is a test.
Proceed to infrared radiation
decontamination room 1-D.
Also it could be an organism
from another planet
released deliberately.

To wipe us out? Really, Charles!
Just the opposite.
To make friendly contact.
A kind of messenger to show us
life exists elsewhere in the universe.
It could be benign in
its own environment.

Pretty far-fetched.
We can't ignore any possibility.
You are about to
undergo long-wave radiation.
A buzzer will sound.
Close your eyes and stand still
or blindness may result.
We face quite a problem:
How to disinfect the human body,
one of the dirtiest things
in the known universe.
That is without killing the
human being at the same time.

It gets tougher as we go.
Hard on the taxpayers,
the way we burn up uniforms.
They're paper.
I'd swear it was cloth.
New process.
Where's the next substation, Hall?
Left of elevator on level 2.
Right. Across the corridor
from body analysis,
