The Andromeda Strain

Stop by your rooms and insert these
before taking the elevator.
I have risked drowning
in that foul bath.

I have been parboiled,
irradiated and xenon flashed.
And now you suggest I...
I have to!
We haven't done anything
about the G.I. Tract yet.

On level 5 we must be
as nearly germ free as possible.
Anyone care to join me for a smoke?
to level 2, sector D.

You are Red Kappa Phoenix status.
Off the main
corridor on the outer rim

are the living quarters,
conference room,

cafeteria, bio-safety maintenance, etc.
Inside are the labs.
Where is the library?
No need for books.
Everything's in the computer.
Notice the capsule has
already been delivered

by the sterile conveyor system
to the main control lab here.
Your patients are here
in the hot room of miscellaneous.
We can't have any
direct contact with them.

Poor souls.
Dr. Dutton
and Dr. Hall are wanted

in main control immediately.
If the patients are sealed off,
how do I get to them?
Ever used a glove box?
Wildfire's gone a step further.
Whole rooms that operate
like glove boxes.

You'll be working in one shortly.
We have a magnetic "K" indices.
Give us a code 3 when you get it.
I wanted you here
while we find out

if there's anything still
biologically active in the capsule.
Use a buffalo.
