The Hospital

It's all right.
I'd be getting my wake-up call
any minute, anyway.

What do you say, Sundstrom?
How long do you think your monopolistic,
exclusionary, racist policies will work?

Free the hope!
Now, hold it.
Herb! I'm glad I caught up with you.
How's it going?
One of my interns
dropped dead this morning.

Really? I'm sorry to hear that.
I understand you moved out to a hotel.
- Things got that bad with Phyllis?
- It's been that bad for 24 years.

You gonna be solicitous?
I'm the guy
that brought you into this hospital...

so I think I can skip
the diplomatic overtures.

Marty stopped me
in the hall yesterday, very upset.

He had just had lunch with you.
He said you sounded suicidal.

Marty tends to be extravagant,
but he's not the only one.

Jack Singer mentioned
that you were boozing it up a lot.

Let's face it, you have been sloughing off.
I understand
you haven't even been doing rounds.

I'm going to do rounds today.
Do you want to take a couple of days off?
Go down to Montego Bay,
get drunk, get laid, get a little sun?

For God's sake, I'm 53 years old,
with all the attendant fears.
